It´s a Mexican humoristic television series created by Roberto Bolaños in 1971. The story is about Chaves, a poor orphan boy who lives in a barrel in a suburban village with other people. Chaves is an 8-year-old boy that always gets into trouble with his friends Quico e Chiquinha.
Quico is a spoiled and arrogant boy and very stupid. He is Dona Florinda´s son, a widow woman; she is very angry and she always slaps Mr. Madruga.
Mr. Madruga is a man who does not like very much to work, but he is a good man. He is Chiquinha´s father. Chiquinha a smart little girl that is always playing with Chaves and Quico.
There are other characters like Mr. Barriga, he is the village´s owner and who is always hit by Chaves when he arrives at the village and Inhonho´s father. Dona Clotilde, the witch of 71, she is an old lady who the children fear and think that she is a witch. Professor Girafales who is the children's teacher and is in love with Dona Florinda; he promised that he will give a square ball to Quico. There are many other funny characters in this series.
This series is very funny; I have been watching since I was a child. I like it very much. I know everything that will happen, but I watch and it makes me laugh a lot.
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